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To Nurture is to Change: Celebrating The World's Youthful Bundles of Joy

Leslie Payongayong

We have always had the thought that it is the children who needed guidance. But ironically, it is them who would impart us with the simplest yet most valuable wisdom throughout our lives.

Every child has the right to live, to be free, and to be educated. But most important of all — every child has the right to be loved. From the greatest of grandparents to the youngest of siblings, all of us had the chance to experience our youthful years. This part of our lives magnificently served as the foundation of who and what we are today. For every knee scraped, has taught us to get back up again. For every tooth lost, has taught us to genuinely smile despite the imperfections. And for every step that we took, it all led to where we are right now as individuals.

Celebrating this year's National Children's Day, with the theme, "For every child, every right," has helped people discover and realize the role of children in the community, according to the United Nations (2023). These children will be the precious ones who we can look back to and be reminded of what we used to be and the progresses we have made as a society: economically, socially, emotionally, and mentally. Today’s youth symbolizes the new hope of chance for the further betterment of the community, to which they would also benefit in the nearest future. These reflect and remind us of the abilities we have to improve as the people who surround them through moulding the youth with independence, safe opportunities, and open, respectful communication, all with accordance to the Child Welfare Information Gateway (2020). Through the societal influence of the youth, a community would encapsulate the drive to eagerly innovate ideas and fresh perspectives — transforming the society into a more progressive and efficient one.

Nurturing a child means a lot of things to parents. This has taught them to view the world completely different; by seeing the world in a more imaginative, honest, and positively carefree way. But what can be the best nurturing-style a parent may apply? According to the Verywell Family (2022), an online guide to parenting, the four common styles involve the authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting techniques that significantly affect how a child's physical and mental well-being turns out. Today, parenting styles are more open to understanding children as they are — which some may refer to as "gentle parenting." A child's growth and development in self-esteem are guided with disciplinary influences that make up the foundation of their individuality. Nonetheless, it is only the parent who could figure their best styles in guiding their children to the people they would grow to.

But in some instances, the elderly tend to have infamously mislooked the contemporary skills the children of today possess as an activism of the youth. It is often overlooked that the techy skills of the youth help them and the society to be adaptable to change: a change which is embraced by the youth. They possess a new outlook on things, leading to a more sustainable and an ever-adapting community. One person to have reflected youth activism is Greta Thunberg, who was once neglected by the elders during her advocacy for climate change mitigation. And by technological coverage in the mass media, her advocacy became globally supported and prominent. For the voices of the youth to be amplified, various campaigns and projects — especially in Mindanao State University - General Santos — have been constructed to be student-inclusive and have the youth be heard.

With joy and optimism, this special day celebrates and represents the youth of the world — be it children of any color, race, and culture. Through this, may we be always reminded of how fun it is to be youthful: the innocence, the joy, and the warmth feeling of having the capability to change things. As much as how we teach the youth, they, too, in return have undoubtedly taught us that we can still always continue to have the same innocence, curiosity, and drive we have to nurture the world into a sustainable and dynamic place — through nurturing change by accepting change.



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