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MSU-GSC joins National WEmen's Month; HURISO holds GAD conference for a gender inclusive society

Updated: Mar 18, 2023

ABANTE, BABAE! Atty. Hanna-Tunisia F. Usman thoroughly discussed the topic about Gender Protective Laws.

The Human Rights Society (HURISO) of Mindanao State University-General Santos City (MSU-GSC) conducted a Human Rights and Gender and Development (GAD) Conference in line with the Celebration of National Women's Month at the University Library-AudioVisual Room (AVR), March 15.

The conference aimed for the securitization of a gender inclusive society, to fill the gap between men and women, tackle about violence against women and highlight the transformative potential women possessed in coordination with the Gender and Development Focal system, and PESO with the theme, WEmen: Mainstreaming Gender Protective Rights through Ungendered lenses.

"There is the law but natatakot ang kababaihan, so go join groups that lobby or signify the empowerment of women, inorder for you to know that there are laws that would protect you", Atty. Hanna-Tunisia F. Usman, one of the guest speakers, advised as she discussed the Gender Protective Laws.

Dr. Jovanie C. Espesor, meanwhile, also tackled about the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325). He discussed the disproportional impacts of war on women and also the pivotal role women should play in conflict prevention, conflict management and sustainable peace efforts. Espesor also emphasized that we must see women as leaders, not victims and that women like men can also contribute to society.

The conference was dominated by the CSSH students. Students from the six colleges including COA, CBAA, COEd, COE, COF, CNSM also attended the conference as well as the students from Senior High School department, and the colleges of Law and Medicine.

“WE as Women and Everyone. With your advocacy to fight for justice, we all celebrate that women are game changers, they are the influencers. MSU is a GADzone, it is to identify gender gaps in the University and address issues regarding women. All genders are welcome and all of us will have equal participation for the academe", equipped by the GAD focal system representative, Diane Mae P. Ulanday-Lozano, Ed.D. in her closing remarks.

The said conference is one of the activities of the GAD focal system of MSU in celebration of the Women's month from March 1-31.

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