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MSU-GSC ADS orchestrates “On the Run” for A.Y. 2024-2025; flaunts wins and plans

John Paul SIapel

General Santos City – Continuing its legacy of upholding excellence through leadership in the community, Mindanao State University – General Santos City Association of DOST Scholars (MSU-GSC ADS) trailblazed “On the Run,” the first General Assembly Meeting of the organization for Academic Year 2024-2025 at Laktanan Wellness Garden, February 12.  

With the theme “Upholding Excellence, Cultivating Leadership, and Strengthening Communities Together”, MSU-GSC ADS presented different programs and activities to motivate every Iskolar to help in nation-building.  

© Rayjie Carillo

Josh Elisha R. Octura, Ph.D., a faculty member from the Animal Science Department of MSU-GSC and a recipient of the DOST Scholarship for Masterals program shared his experiences as an Animal Resources Science student at the University of Tokyo.

During his doctorate journey, Dr. Octura stated that he faced many challenges and difficulties, but through perseverance and hard work, he reached his dream of being an Animal Science professor.

Dr. Octura pointed out the essence of giving back to the community and influencing other Iskolars to make a difference.  

“Leadership starts with yourself. Before you lead, you need to fix yourself,” he shared.  

Moreover, Dr. Octura acknowledged the value of integrity in aiming for excellence, ensuring that every Iskolar connects their goals to their mission and advocacy.  

“As DOST Scholars, I hope ang inyong mga goals as an organization shall be realized. If you study for excellence, you need to follow integrity,” he added.  

Giving back to the community

April Dave Superales, President of MSU-GSC ADS, expressed the centerpiece of the organization, especially in breaking the narrative of scholars having no contribution to the community.

“ADS’ main goal, or main responsibility, is to give back to the community, serve the community, and fill in the gaps. And now, we do something for the community that supports our education,” he said.According to Superales, the activities and projects are a testament that DOST scholars changed that narrative, proving that they have done something good and continue to do something great for the community.

In addition, the president shared the programs and activities that every Iskolar can look forward to, emphasizing the relevance of taking the initiative to help the underprivileged.  

“The Makabagong KKK and other outreach programs allow scholars to see the reality in the outskirts of communities, making them reflect on their privileges and assess that there are communities in need,” he explained.Superales highlighted that “this molds their values toward helping the community.” 

Furthermore, Superales acknowledged the significance of giving back to the community, presenting the impact it can cause if done properly.  

“It’s not just a statement; it is a way of living. You strive for excellence, so uphold excellence. Cultivate leadership towards strengthening communities because we are social beings, and we build connections with every individual,” he expressed.

Superales also pointed out that those with privilege should not be blinded by it but instead exert power and effort to recognize those who have less, and using privilege to make a difference.

Superales invited every Iskolar to be the voice of the underprivileged and to exercise nationalism by engaging in nation-building activities such as community outreach.  

“That’s why this is toward community enrichment—strengthening communities and giving back. It is a powerful statement and action when we all help and take part,” he mentioned.  

Successes and plans 

MSU-GSC ADS celebrated its achievements and successes by presenting the accomplishment report for the last semester, highlighting crucial programs that were evident and widely recognized.  

For the first semester, they conducted “Hugyaw sa Unang Adlaw” during Salubong 2024, followed by “Lapis para sa IPs” (Pencil for IP Communities), participation in the 2nd National Patriot Scholars Congress (NPSC) at Camp John Hay, Baguio City, Iskostal Clean-Up Drive, OSA Recognition for A.Y. 2024-2025, SLC 2024, Project Tara 2.0, DOST-SEI Scholarship Campaign, PSM Mindanao Recognition (Makabagong KKK), MSU SASE 2025 Booth, SEM-Ender Treats, and MIDSA BISIG Partnership.  

Moreover, MSU-GSC ADS is looking forward to future activities, particularly Project TARA’s Project REACH which is a DOST scholar review), Project GABAY which features an undergraduate exam edition, Vodcast Series, Makabagong KKK, and the 2nd Semester General Assembly and Constitutional Convention.

Through the General Assembly Meeting, every DOST Scholar united in taking a significant leap toward participation, proving their commitment in contributing and helping the community.



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