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MSU-Gensan nods LGBTQIA+ dress style in grad ceremony

Adhering to its will to become a totally peace university, Mindanao State University-General Santos City (MSU-GSC) have finally granted the request of LGBTQIA+ community to wear their desired outfits and haircuts for graduation ceremony and other related activities.

According to the official Facebook post by the Empress MSU-GSC, a campus organization that upholds dignity, integrity and equity amongst LGBTQIA+ community, for the past few months their long-time appeal have been approved by the Office of the Students’ Affairs, Darangen, The Seniors’ Club 2023 and recently the Office of the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA).

The said organization expressed their sincere gratitude towards Chancellor Usman D. Aragasi, MPA, JD and VCAA Mishell D. Lawas, D. Eng’g and other top officials and university offices for acknowledging their pursuit on inclusivity and acceptance as part of the rainbow community.

Due to this fortunate outcome, MSUans who are part of LGBTQIA+ community conveyed their sentiments emphasizing that it is a big step for the university to express themselves in a form and image that they are most confident and proud of.

“I think that allowing the graduating LGBTQIA+ members to wear what they want in their graduation pictorial ceremony and other graduation-related protocols is just the right thing to do by the university. MSU-GenSan owes to give this right to the graduating members of the community as it is yet developing to be a more gender-responsive and gender-inclusive university,” an LGBTQIA+ MSUan uttered.

Through permitting their rights as an LGBT, they will be able to gain more confidence and self-esteem as they walk in graduation, which will be the first time in the institution’s history to show themselves based on their preferred Gender Identity and Expression.

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