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MSU-GenSan BS Accountants snag overall champ in 5th Regional Midyear Convention

Writer: Lynxter Gybriel LeañoLynxter Gybriel Leaño

Exhibiting their prowess in different competitions, students from the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy of Mindanao State University-General Santos City snagged the overall champion in the recently concluded 5th Regional Midyear Convention held online, January 11-19.

Competed by 14 universities in Region 12, a total of nine competitions were held synchronously by the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants - Region 12.

The MSU-GenSan contenders won 1st and 2nd runner-up in the Regional FAR Cup through Wymvee Claire Bugna and Angle Jean Bagacay and at the same time, Bagacay won 1st runner-up in the Regional AFAR Cup.

Additionally, Janvel Morales and Jephonie Samonte bagged the champion and 1st runner up respectively in the Regional MAS Cup while in the Regional Tax Cup contest, Angle Jean Bagacay, Jephonie Samonte, and Kurt Joshua Philip Celis occupied the champion, 1st runner-up, and 2nd runner up spots.

Moreover, Christian Nantin, Arwen Lia Sendico, and Janvel Morales were hailed as champions respectively for the FB Frame Making, A JPIAn Story, and Regional RFBT Cup competitions.

Furthermore, in the Ultimate Dance Showdown, they won first place while the Proud R12 Creative Video contest got 2nd runner-up in courtesy of Jurrey Chris Walohan, Carl Jay Atibula, and Chrysthel Anne Sareno.

According to Sendico, she had no prior intensive training before joining her contest in A JPIAn Story.

“The most I did, which I deemed was more than enough, was to pray to the Lord and ask for His wisdom---and that, He gave me. I am just someone who loves reading, daydreaming, and writing my thoughts into words---sometimes, even songs. As a person who enjoys these stuffs, I used the contest as an excuse to write creatively---a veer away from the usually "more academic" characteristic of my course (BS Accountancy),” she explained.

She added that she experienced difficulty in her category just like putting into words a story that would capture the theme of the event which, supposedly, was about going beyond one's comfort zone and aiming for holistic competence, and ultimately tying this back to being a "JPIAn."

“When I saw my name as champion, the first words from my mouth were, "Lord? Tinuod na ni?" It felt surreal given the fact that I never really aimed to win in the first place. Like I said, I just wanted an excuse to write something aside from the usual papers and essays to submit in class. There was no effort in writing that story which made me think that it was not that good. There were even some typos and misuse of words,” Sendico expressed.

Although their team has had a hard time finding participants, their Vice President for Non-Academics, Mac Benedict Estores, found solutions to excel in Non-Academic events that propelled them to be the overall champion knowing that they did great in Academic events.



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